The following information will be needed to begin preparation of necessary applications and associated tariffs. All information provided by the company would be treated as proprietary and confidential by ISG-Telecom Consultants. Please be aware, however, that once an application and tariff are filed with a regulatory agency, these documents become public documents, and are generally available to the public, pursuant to each agencies’ rules or state statute, unless confidential treatment or proprietary data is sought.* From time to time, additional information may be required, and will be requested, as it is needed.

Corporate Data:

1. The company’s legal name, address and telephone/facsimile numbers;

2. Article of Incorporation;

3. Date of Incorporation;

4. Copies of evidence to transact business as a foreign corporation filed with the Secretary of State in each state, if applicable;

5. Listing of Officers and Directors, including addresses and titles;

6. Listing of owners, owners’ addresses and percentage of ownership, number of stocks issued. Also please provide a list of any affiliated interests, if applicable;

7. Biographical data or resumes of the company’s senior managers, highlighting managerial and telecommunications experience;

8. Identification of who is authorized to sign documents for the company;

9. Name, address and contact of company’s registered agent;

10. Name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers of the individual who will act as liaison with ISG-Telecom Consultants, if different from the person named in item 9;

11. Most recent summarized income statement and complete balance sheet (Past 2 years).

12. Company letterhead (either electronically of 3 hard copies).

13. FEIN number

14. Certificate of Foreign Authority

15. Certificate of good standing for corporation

16. Tax Exemption for both Federal and State(s).

Service Information:

1. A description of proposed services and associated recurring and non-recurring rates;

2. Minimum initial billing increment and additional billing increments for each service; i.e. 18 second initial billing increment and 6 second increments thereafter for 800 service;

3. Proposed service area (if not state-wide);

4. A list of underlying carriers and services purchased;

5. Customer service procedures for refunds, credits and time of operation including emergency or after hour’s procedures for processing customer service calls. Please include customer service telephone numbers;

6. A description of how bills will be rendered and collection procedures, if applicable;

7. Will the company provide operator services (e.g. third party billing)?

8. If offering “1+” services, will the company collect advanced payments or deposits and if so, what are the deposits/advanced payments policies?

9. If offering prepaid calling card services, when are subscribers reminded that the account is to be depleted?

10. How are the company’s services marketed (e.g. in-house sales staff, independent agents, a combination of both, network marketing, etc)?

Notes: Several documents will require notarization. The company should, therefore have access to a notary public.

The states of AK, DE, LA, MN, ND, NV, SC, WA and WV impose a bonding or escrow account requirement on prepaid calling card services, If your company plans to offer such services in these states, you should anticipate the imposition of some financial surety requirement, of approximately $3,000 - $5,000 per state depending on anticipated calling volumes – DE and MN have established a $10,000 minimum bond requirement and LA has established a $50,000 bond requirement.

* Some states have adopted “sunshine” laws, which prevent applicants from requesting confidential treatment of proprietary data.
